Lessons Learned from Years with Services

The Role Of Education For Youth Aging Out Of Foster Care

An advantage of a good education for a youth who is out of foster care is that the youth will be able to take care of themselves when they are able to secure a job after a college education. When foster youth have no way to fend for themselves, they might end up in crime which can ruin their records. There can also be lower crime rates when foster youth are engaged in useful activities such as going to college instead of engaging in criminal activity because they have nothing else to do. Another challenge that faces youth who are aging out of foster care is the lack of a home which leads to homelessness. One of the ways to help foster youth is by giving them tuition waivers which will make it easier for them to get an education and achieve their dreams.

One should consider that foster youth have the capacity to succeed in education since some of them have brilliant minds and they will have a better future when they get an education. When foster youth get funding for their education, they will be able to pursue the careers that they desire. When lawmakers put in place policies that will enable the funding of foster youth for their education, they can cause a great change in the big number of foster youth who do not have access to college education. Politicians who learn about the extent of the problem with foster youth lacking college education can help come up with laws that will ensure the funding of foster youth in college.

Ashleigh Hunt spendsher energy advocating for college education for foster youth through additional funding from different bodies. One way for change to happen is through the education of foster youth and this can be done through advocacy which will ensure that lawmakers commit to looking into the problem of lack of education for foster youth. Without commitment, it is difficult for people to take any action to ensure that foster youth get college education so it is important to get some commitment from the people that one addresses. One will be able to have more impact with one’s message when one tailors a message according to the group that one is addressing when advocating for more funding for education for foster youth.

Additional funding for college education for foster youth can be achieved especially when one speaks to people who have power and influence. Foster youth have a lot of untapped potential, and this can be realized when they get a college education and contribute to the development of their countries. One of the ways to show care to foster youth is to provide them with opportunities to better their life through a college education.

Lessons Learned from Years with Services

Lessons Learned from Years with Services